As a practicing physician for over 30 years, I have been absolutely amazed by the vigorous, energetic, and positive behavior of my senior patients who have adopted the type of lifestyle described in DarvisÕ book. I spot them as they walk through the door! Personally, I have tried to follow the program with varying degrees of success. However, Darvis always has an encouraging positive attitude. Ò I am oldÓ is not in his lexicon. Consequently, my muscle mass, endurance, golfing ability and physical work schedule have all improved greatly. I did not think I would gain so much muscle mass as I aged. Darvis has been the driving force behind these achievements. Adopting the weight and cardiac training and healthy diet which are described concisely, clearly, and encouragingly in his book can only enhance your years. You are never too young or too old to pick up this book and start working. You will thank yourself someday as you become ÒForever Fit and FirmÓ. Morris A. Pollock, MD